
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006


On the next vacations we are planning to go to Santa Marta and to the Tairona park. I haven?t visited Santa Marta but some people had told me that is very cool. The weirdest thing about Santa Marta is that it has 2 climates: hot and cold. At sea level or near the beaches is hot and at the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, which is a mountain, it is cold.
Santa Marta is also known for the Indians that live in the Sierra or in the Tairona park. Once those places were dangerous because the military groups were stabled in those places to kidnap or do any similar things to people. The problem is that I am a little scared and I don?t want to go but my mom says that if we die will die happy and that she wants to go no matter what. Another option is to go to Medellin or any other part in Colombia, we don?t want to get out of the state. I would like to visit Medellin again because I have only visited once when I was about 6 years old and I don?t remember anything about it. Susana and Natalia Y had told me a little bit about it because they have paisa blood. Someone that is paisa is someone that is from Medellin. I would like to go to the farms in Rionegro or to the shopping malls which we don?t have good ones in Cartagena. What I am sure about Novembrinas is that we are not going to stay in Cartagena because many people will come for the election of Miss. Colombia and it would be a disaster.

My Reflection About Blogger

I think that the idea of creating a blog was very good because we could learn how to edit and how to correct our mistakes. It was a really good chance for us to have someone like Mr.Hide that could teach us how to use technology in a good way. All the students in seventh grade are almost experts in using Blogger and I think this would help us very much in the future. When I first heard our teacher telling us about blogger I thought it was going to be hard but is all easy,
I really like it.
Mantaining my blog is not such a big deal. About four times a week I entered to my blog to make two posts andd three comments. It is easier than I thought because the ideas are fluid and is easier to write in the computer than by hand. You dont get so tired and if you plan your days and hours and use them wisely you could finish all this work rapidly.
I feel that bogger is a really safe place to post things, you can change the settings to make your blog even safer.With Blogger you can do many things that other sites cant do. It is a good website because it shows the date that you published your post and it is also actualized every week. I like the fact that if you find an error on your post you can edit it so its right. I also like that other people can make commments to my posts because that helps me to see if I am doing a good post or what things do I need to improve.
My feeling of Blogger has changed from the beggining because I am discovering new things about blogger that are helping me to improve my posts and are changing my prospective.
I think that the technical aspects are amazing because I never thought that you could make links to another post or another webpage. Blogger is very serious, formal, and organized it s not a simple web page where you post things, you have technology involved.
What has amazed me during my Blogger experience is that is very popular and people all around the world are using it. This week I received an e-mail from a cousin in Bogota that was using Blogger to take people's comments of the new logo of Davivienda. This is what surprised me because I thought that blogger wasnt so common.
In Blogging I learned how to posts pictures, how to create links to other websites, how to use apostrophes, how to make comments, and many things more. Iam thankful that I learned all this stuff because it will help me in the future.

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Disgusting Story

When I read The Three Skeleton Key, one part of the story reminded me of my last apartment. Three men that lived in a lighthouse were getting invade by rats, it happened to me when I lived in the Villa Del Mar building. The situation was similar because in both stories the people that were affected were desperate because there was a bad smell and the rats were leaving poop behind and made a lot of noise. I think it was a disgusting story and I could imagine me being in the worst situation ever living with the rats. I think that rats are disgusting because they can live everywhere like in the underground sewage system or in the garbage. Rats carry many bacteria so they can be disgusting and harmful too.

I am having problems understanding why did one of the characters in the story was sent to an asylum. I thought that rats could be harmful but not as harmful to change his mind and make him crazy. Maybe that character was having really bad nightmares that made him think that the rats would eat him alive and that he would die. I can imagine how serious and crazy this character needed to be for the people to sent him to an asylum.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The New Pet

Since my sister turned 11 this Tuesday, September 12, my mom decided that her birthday gift would be a white ,Persian cat. She had been dreaming of having this cat for about a year. When we went to the United States, she bought the collar and a kind of house for the cat. She had everything except the most important thing which was the cat. We looked for cats but they were too expensive but my cousin's boyfriend had bought a cat in Bogota for a cheaper price. Finally we decided to buy it but there were only two options that were only a week old so we have to wait twenty days until the cat is big enough to come to Cartagena. My sister was very happy, as I was too. The only person in the family that it's not so happy is my dad because he doesn't like to have animals in an apartment. We will be waiting anxiously for the cat to come.I am waiting for him to come and I hope that he won't be a problem.

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Sister's Birthday.

Elisa is my sister, she is in fifth grade in COJOWA. Elisa just turned 11 years old this Tuesday September 12, the day after the twin towers were destructed. She invited all her friends to our farm in the ?zona norte? where we have a big lake with animals and a little house where the employees live. We went to the farm at 11:30 and we got there at 12:00.Elisa was very happy and me too, we played softball and football but we couldn?t swim in the lake because last week we found a crocodile. We also played with the puppies and the rabbits, I also discovered that there was a bird egg in the bird's cage. After having lunch we ride horses that were brought specially for the party from a nearby farm. What I like the most was sitting around the campfire while we were telling jokes and eating marshmallows. We got home about 7:00 pm. and everyone was tired, I went to sleep early.

The Crocodrile Hunter

Remembering Steve Irwing, by Dina El Nabli.

Steve Irwing was a great man and an animal protector. He was born in Australia where he starting working with his dad by protecting crocodiles from illegal hunters and then moving them to safer places. He also worked with his wife Terry, Bindi his older daughter and his baby son Bob. I think this is a sad loss to all the people in the world that could see him thru Animal Planet or Discovery Channel, especially it would be very sad for his family and all the Australians. He help many animals and taught people how to take care of them and how not to destroy their habitat. At least Steve died happy in his country having fun in the ocean with the stingrays and he was doing what he likes to do.His family should be very proud about Steve, he did many important things that helped the animals and the people, like moving the crocodriles to safer places, or by teaching people how to react when they see a crocodrile or a snake. The whole world had the opportunity to see him working with that great enthusiasm that he had, he is an example of a person that puts all his effort to work and to safe the world, or Australia.

"A wonderful character and a passionate environmentalist."

This is what Australia's Prime Minister Jhon Howard said about Steve, I think he is totally correct. We could say many other good things about Steve Irwin, he was a great man.

Friday, September 01, 2006

My Friends' Blogs

Here are 3 of my best fiend's blogs that I like. I want you to see their blogs because they are very cool. I have many friens but I am picking only 3 of all them.

Mari Pau is my neighbor and we have been friends a long time ago. She just got braces and I think she looks great.

Paula sits beside me at school so I have become a really good friend of her. We are in the same electives and its fun to be with her.

Sara is my other friend. She is really cool to hang out with. I love when she laughs.