
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Crocodrile Hunter

Remembering Steve Irwing, by Dina El Nabli.

Steve Irwing was a great man and an animal protector. He was born in Australia where he starting working with his dad by protecting crocodiles from illegal hunters and then moving them to safer places. He also worked with his wife Terry, Bindi his older daughter and his baby son Bob. I think this is a sad loss to all the people in the world that could see him thru Animal Planet or Discovery Channel, especially it would be very sad for his family and all the Australians. He help many animals and taught people how to take care of them and how not to destroy their habitat. At least Steve died happy in his country having fun in the ocean with the stingrays and he was doing what he likes to do.His family should be very proud about Steve, he did many important things that helped the animals and the people, like moving the crocodriles to safer places, or by teaching people how to react when they see a crocodrile or a snake. The whole world had the opportunity to see him working with that great enthusiasm that he had, he is an example of a person that puts all his effort to work and to safe the world, or Australia.

"A wonderful character and a passionate environmentalist."

This is what Australia's Prime Minister Jhon Howard said about Steve, I think he is totally correct. We could say many other good things about Steve Irwin, he was a great man.