
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Disgusting Story

When I read The Three Skeleton Key, one part of the story reminded me of my last apartment. Three men that lived in a lighthouse were getting invade by rats, it happened to me when I lived in the Villa Del Mar building. The situation was similar because in both stories the people that were affected were desperate because there was a bad smell and the rats were leaving poop behind and made a lot of noise. I think it was a disgusting story and I could imagine me being in the worst situation ever living with the rats. I think that rats are disgusting because they can live everywhere like in the underground sewage system or in the garbage. Rats carry many bacteria so they can be disgusting and harmful too.

I am having problems understanding why did one of the characters in the story was sent to an asylum. I thought that rats could be harmful but not as harmful to change his mind and make him crazy. Maybe that character was having really bad nightmares that made him think that the rats would eat him alive and that he would die. I can imagine how serious and crazy this character needed to be for the people to sent him to an asylum.