
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How To Reduce and/or Prevent Global Warming

I found a very interesting article called How To Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions on del.icio.us in a page called wikiHow. This article gives steps of how to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse gas emissions are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. This are the main causes of global warming. The adding of carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere will increase the temperature on Earth's surface. The greenhouse gases could also produce the greenhouse effect which can lower 30 degrees Celsius of temperature on Earth. Earth would be uninhabitable if something like this happens. This web page gives steps of how to reduce global warming around the house and garden, on transportation, during a diet, at the cash register, and in your community. Water conservation can also reduce and prevent global warming.

Here are some steps on how to prevent and reduce global warming around your house and garden. Don't use a leaf blower because it would make your get a little of sun and oxygen.Also avoid using other yard work tools. Soil fertilizers are made from fossil fuels so don't use them either. Plant a tree or trees because they will store carbon dioxide. Repaint your house with latex paint instead of oil-based paint because it will release fewer harmful fumes while drying. Buy appliances that use less energy (ex. Energy Star label.) Sign up for renewable energy and if it is not available ask why not. Get a home energy examination. Move your thermostat 2 degrees down in winter and 2 up in summer. Unplug your things when you are not using them. Turn off lights when they are not in use. Replace your light bulbs with fluorescent ones. They will save carbon dioxide. If you are not going to use the computer for a while put it on stand by and don't shut it down. Buy durable products. The last step on how to prevent and/or reduce global warming is to try your best to save water.

You can also prevent global warming by transportation methods such as buying a bike. A bike is helpful because it conserves the oil resources and it doesn't pollute. Walk to nearby places instead of driving. When you are on a trip to far away places use public transportation or travel with someone else, as in a carpool. Organize your labors so you do every one of them on one day. Use less gas because they come from fossil fuels and fossil fuels can send emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Use new ways of diesel, such as bio diesel which comes from animal fat.

During diets, buy local-produced foods and use reused bags. Use organic foods because inorganic foods can be produced with the help of chemicals or fertilizers that come from fossil fuels.

When buying something you should buy recycled paper products and certified wood. "The paper industry is the third greatest contributor to global warming emissions."

In your community you can also do things to help prevent global warming. Such things are writing a letter to the editor of your community's newspaper, join a group that is fighting against global warming so they have more force, write to the council and ask for a recycling collection. There are much more things that you can do with the community to help prevent global warming. If you are into this you can get a greenhouse gas calculator to keep track of your greenhouse gas emissions.

I think that there are also many things more that you can use to prevent global warming. You just have to think about it and ask yourself; Is this good for the environment? More questions that you could ask yourself are: Do I want Earth to collapse? Do I want human life to exctint? Do I want to give the opportunity to live happy to other people in the future? Do I want to live longer? Do I want to live the rest of my life happily? Then of asking yourself this questions you should try to answer them and at the same time try to meditate about them. This will help you a lot in the big project of how to save Earth from "melting".

I would like to expand the understanding of my topic by hearing or reading people's opinions on global warming. I would also like to interview people and ask them what they think about global warming and what would they do to prevent it. I would also like to research on the internet for groups or organizations such as the Kyoto Protocol that are fighting against global warming and that are on present day working on the project. It would also be fun to research about groups of students that are working against global warming. It would be super cool to learn their opinions and their methods of how they fight against global warming.


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