
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cartagena during this season...

In October people have a very mean way of thinking. The city gets noisy and very disorganized because of Halloween. One thing that is very common during this time is a type of firework that we call "buscapie" which means feet finder. People of all ages light them for fun especially at nights were they cant be seen so much. I don't know why October is so violent in Cartagena, people start kidnapping, stealing, and killing others. I always prefer to stay at home relaxed seeing movies or something like that. I had known about people in school that have been victims of robberies where they get fooled by robbers, we always need to have some security rules such as not talking to strangers, not giving out your personal information and not being with people that you suspect from. It is also important to call the police and know it's number when something happens to you or you are the witness of some case.
In October the candidates of miss arrive to Cartagena when the new miss will be elected so there is also some a source of disorder in that. We are famous for the carnivals, parades and parties that we make. Each representative is on a wagon decorated with many things and she is disguised as something typical of it's region. Because we have beaches and bays we also make water parades where each candidate waves at people from a boat. In all this "parties" Cartagena residents and other people throw water and flower to other people, sometimes they throw things worst than that. The participants also enjoy Cartagena's hotels and beaches while they have pictures taken.
All this things would make this beautiful city a mess but we also have a major problem that is that the tide is getting higher and higher every day. The streets are almost not transitory and in every corner you would find a big "lake" of water. Maybe this has to do with "el ni?o" when the climate is kind of crazy.
The making of the movie written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez also affects Cartagena because there are many famous actresses and actors in the city. People are making castings so they could be an extra or something. In the movie Cartagena should look like if it was in the 1800's so the streets of downtown Cartagena had been changed, there are like tents around the streets. Women are dressed with long dresses and men are dressed with jackets and ties.
Some times there is a lot of traffic because of the new transport of fast buses that is going to be called Transcaribe. The city is redoing the streets so the buses can have it's own path.
There are other many things that are affecting Cartagena but this are the main ones.


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