
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I like to solve problems making a compromise where the people in the problem give up something but at the end they are all happy. Sometimes a bad habit is to say bad words but this is very difficult because in Cartagena we do that a lot. Other bad habits is to kick or punch the person, I only do that with my sister that is 11 years old. When I am under pressure I often use the strategy of walking from the person and leaving them discussing alone. A strategy that I sometimes use when I have time to reflect is to think first what I am going say or do and then act. This helps a lot and it would be good that I could do this when I am under pressure.

I had a problem very recently with a friend when we were in tennis classes. I had finished doing the laps around the court when I asked my friend this stupid question: "isn't that shirt a pajamas? Because I have one that is very similar and it is a pajama..." She told me "don't be so rude!! You are so bad educated!!!" and she gave me a frown. I was in shock, I didn't know that it would be such a thing, but she was right. This person told what had happened to a friend so I was left like trash. I felt really bad about what I have done. I didn't need to ask her that kind of question, it was my mistake. I try to fix my mistake by offering her some water and treating her like if nothing had happened. I think this person is really cool and I hope that she still likes me after this situation because I like us to be friends for ever. I learned that I need to think what I am going to say not one time but two or three times. Also I need to say:"would I like someone to tell me that?" and if not I wont tell her what I was thinking.


Blogger Suadi..... said...

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8:59 PM  
Blogger Suadi..... said...

Hi, Pau whats up! I need to tell you that I like your way to solve problems.I think that thing of the shirt wasen´t such a big deal. I really thing it was really a pijama and she was trying to hide it by fighting with you.but all though I think your blog is really cool!

9:02 PM  

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