
This is my own web page from Cartagena, Colombia that Mr.Hide made me make in the seventh grade english class. I really liked it and it was very fun to learn something new. You will find many interesting things in this blog. Bye!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

My Trip To Punta Iguana

The idea of going to Punta Iguana, a club in the island of Baru, started when a friend was inviting me to go there with her. At school we had been talking about the idea but wedidn'tt com to an agreement. One night, I asked my mom if she would let me go to Punta Iguana and she said "I will let you go but then what is the rest of the family going to do? Whydon'tt you tell her to invite the whole family?" The next day at school I told my friend if she could invite the whole family and she said "ok, I will talk with my mom." I was hoping that I could go either with my family or with my friend but I wanted to go.
One night my mom was talking with my friend's mom and their conclusion was that the whole family could go oneweekendd and then my friend could invite me, only, on the other weekend. So we got prepared to go to Punta Iguana.
I love Punta Iguana because you can do many sorts of things such as snorkel, fish, ride kayak or water bikes, sail, and play in the beach or pools. What I like to do the most when I go there is to fish because there is a long pier surrounded by rocks where many sorts of fish live and there is also a small fort but it's not such a good place as the pier. The pier is very comfortable because at the end there is a kind of bench with a wood rough where you could put all your fishing tools or even rest.
We went to Punta Iguana by car but it was very fun because it had rained and there had formed huge and deep mud holes where the water reached about 1/3 of the car. I felt like in an African adventure through a Safari. Sometimes the car tilted downwards because the drivercouldn'tt see what was below the water.
When we got to Punta Iguana I was very excited and Icouldn'tt wait to dive into the pool and slide through the water slides. I looked for the cabin's key in the reception and I went running with my sister to find the cabin. We put all our things in the right place and went to the pool, we had lunch, went to the beach and fish. One day I got scared while I was fishing because one of the employees got a dangerous eel but he threw it back to the water and then I went to fish again and caught a couple of fish.
During my stay in Punta Iguana I made some friends from Barranquilla, SantaMarthaa and Cartagena and I even met coincidentally with some familiars that were cousins of my grandmother.
I think that Punta Iguana is a great place to go during short vacations and is also a good place where you can relax. The cabins are very comfortable, with air conditioner and t.v. The food is also very good, of first quality. The services are the best and they arealwaysy available for your use. I would really like to go again to Punta Iguana, I always enjoy it a lot even though I don't stay for a long time.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street

"Understand the procedure now? Just stop a few of their machines and radios and telephones and lawn mowers...Throw them into darkness for a few hours and then you just sit back and watch the pattern."
"With few variations. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find... And it's themselves. And all we need to do is sit back... And watch."
"By no means. Their world is full of Maple Streets. And we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves."

The meaning of this closing comments is that the aliens are controlling Maple Street and the residents don't have the least idea of what is happening. The aliens were the ones that turned on Mr. Goodman's car and that turned off all the electricity in the street. They were the ones that turned off and on the houses's lights. Any resident was guilty for all this, the aliens were the ones controlling the electricity of Maple Street and even the same people. The aliens act as bad feelings that are controlling the residents. It's themselves, the residents of Maple Street, the ones that are blaming each other and fighting.The message of this story is that other people or even your feelings can control you and your life without noticing. If you try to solve problems in a positive way you can suceed but if you solve problems blaming each other without kwowing the truth you will certainly not suceed. Everyone needs to have a possitive and a conflict manager way of thinking. I think that this story was made to reach beyond the mind of the espectators so they could know that you need to control your life and yourself, don't let fear and prejudice control you. Sometimes you don't seem to notice but its happening that things are overtaking you and are changing your attitude and your relationship with other people. In the worst cases, many serious problems will result because there are so many things controlling you that someday you will explode.

I feel that this message is useful in any aspects of life and is also very important. I also feel that this message can help me improve me as a person because we have discussed this message in class and I really know what is the story trying to tell us. We should tell everyone about the importance of this message so they could also have the opportunity to hear it, everyone needs it. I loved to learn this message by reading Monsters Are Due On Maple Street because I liked the way that the author of the teleplay made us know about the message. I think that this message still has significance today even though this story was written in the 1960?´s because many peopledon'tt think before acting and are getting controlled by their feelings, they justdon'tt know what's happening. Messages should last for ever because it isalwaysy good to receive some suggestions and messages that would help you improve in your attitude and way of thinking.

If the play would be updated I would change several things. One of those things would be that people would have know at thebeginningg of the play that itcouldn'tt be an electricity failure because the electricity never goes all of a sudden in such a dramatic way. Every city would have had an electricity power plant to replace the gone electricity so theelectricityy cant never go, there will always exist electricity in the cities. It alsocouldn'tt be a meteor because there would be a very dark sky because of the dirt lifted when the meteor hit Earth. The equipment affected by the blackout would be ipods, laptops, computers, televisions, photocopiers, scanners, printers, palms, walkmans, stereos, cellphones, microwaves, refrigerators, air conditioners and much more. The story could have been setted in a developed city such asTokyoo that has many technology and many people. Tommy would have know that the aliens were the ones causing the problems because he would have seen a discoverychannell documental where it talked about aliens and that they can control whatever because they have extremely advanced technology. With a remote control they can control the whole planet's electricity.